De toelichting op onze huidige investeringen in momenteel alleen in het Engels beschikbaar.
TechnologyOne is an Australian software company that provides enterprise solutions for government, education, and healthcare. Founded in 1987, it went public in 1999 and has grown rapidly, doubling revenue and profits every few years.
Most of its sales come from Australia, with key products including student management, financial systems, and capital planning. Its software powers many local councils, serving 73% of Australians and New Zealanders.
Originally offering on-premise software, TechnologyOne began shifting to cloud-based solutions in 2015. This transition sped up in 2020, with over 90% expected to be on the cloud by 2026.
TechnologyOne specializes in software for government, education, and healthcare verticals, offering an all-in-one solution instead of multiple separate systems. Its products cover 80% of industry needs out of the box, saving customers over 30% in costs.
Unlike competitors, it provides full enterprise software on any device, anywhere. Its simple, user-friendly design sets a new industry standard, giving it a strong competitive edge and market leadership.
TechnologyOne is resilient for two key reasons: 68% of its revenue comes from recurring subscriptions, providing steady income, and it has a 99%+ customer retention rate, as its mission-critical software makes switching providers difficult.
At SilverCross, we value shareholder alignment. As founders and co-portfolio managers, we have invested our own capital in the fund. We also seek companies with strong insider or family ownership, as they tend to prioritize long-term success over short-term results.
TechnologyOne reflects this approach. When we first invested in 2020, the founder and chairman Adrian Di Marco held about 6% and one of TechnologyOne's founding shareholders, John Mactaggar, about 8%. Adrian Di Marco unfortunately announced his retirement as Chairman in 2022 after a 35 year tenure. His retirement was carefully planned with the current CEO Ed Chung taking over as CEO in 2017 after already 10 years with the company. Pat O'Sullivan was brought in as deputy chairman in March 2021 before replacing Adrian as Chairman on his retirement in June 2022.
TechnologyOne’s software is mission critical, making it costly and difficult for customers to switch. High switching costs create a strong barrier to entry, leading to a 99%+ customer retention rate.
TechnologyOne is the market leader in enterprise SaaS in its sectors. For example, its software supports a significant portion of local governments in Australia and New Zealand with over 70% of residents living in areas where the local council uses TechnologyOne's solutions. Its simple, user-friendly interface, accessible on any device, combined with a constant focus on innovation, is a key driver of its success, driving market share gains even against giants like Oracle, SAP, and Microsoft.
TechnologyOne plans to double its revenue every 4–5 years, with cloud and recurring revenue expected to grow at 15%+ annually. This growth will come from four main areas: gaining 25–50 new customers each year, selling more products to existing customers, converting on-premise clients to the cloud, and expanding in the UK, which is three times the size of the Australian market.
The company also expects its profits to grow faster than sales, aiming for a 35%+ profit margin (up from 27% when we first invested). This will be driven by more cloud revenue, slower growth in R&D costs, and the UK business growing its profitability as it scales.
At SilverCross, we seek to invest in companies whose core product or service has a net-positive impact on society. TechnologyOne’s software helps businesses become more efficient and reduce waste, like cutting over-production and unnecessary transportation. It also reduces paper use by offering mobile solutions for tasks like library or equipment requests.
The company is committed to sustainability, working to be Climate Neutral and reducing energy use. Its e-waste program helps recycle old equipment and supports local communities.
In 2016, TechnologyOne created the TechnologyOne Foundation, aiming to lift 500,000 children out of poverty. It joined the '1% Pledge' corporate philanthropy movement and so will donate 1% of profits, products, and employee time to charity, which aligns with global sustainability goals.
TechnologyOne was on our radar for a while, but valuation kept us from investing. In early 2020, its share price dropped 32% due to market panic from COVID-19, creating an attractive entry point.
At SilverCross, we try to take a step back during these times of panic to assess the long-term outlook for a business rather than the short-term impact of an event. We saw TechnologyOne’s cloud transition as a challenge in the short term but a big long-term advantage, making the business more agile, scalable, and better at cross-selling products. The pandemic also accelerated digital adoption in government sectors, benefiting TechnologyOne. With strong innovation and high-margin cloud growth, we believe it can continue doubling in size every 4–5 years and we hope to remain shareholders for years to come.
Participaties in het Fund zijn gekwalificeerd voor verkoop in Nederland. SilverCross Global Small-Cap Fund houdt zich momenteel nog niet bezig met proactieve marketing richting beleggers buiten Nederland.
De minimum investering bedraagt EUR 100.000. Elke vervolg investering bedraagt minimaal EUR 25.000.
Voordat u een beslissing neemt om te investeren in SilverCross Global Small-Cap Fund, adviseren wij u het Prospectus te lezen.
SilverCross Global Small-Cap Fund wordt gedistribueerd via IBS Asset Management BV en via vergunning houdende financiële instellingen in de EU/EVA. Beleggers die wensen te investeren via hun eigen adviseur kunnen dit doen middels het doorgeven van de ISIN code: NL0010832242.
Alle inkomen die het Fund verkrijgt is fiscaal transparant. Dat betekent dat inkomen zoals dividend en rente wordt belast op basis van uw persoonlijke fiscale situatie. Wij adviseren uw belastingadviseur te raadplegen over de mogelijke belastingconsequenties van een investering in SilverCross Global Small-Cap Fund. Op verzoek is een opsomming van het inkomen van het Fund beschikbaar ten behoeve van uw belastingaangifte.
Beleggers wiens vermogen in ‘Box 3’ wordt belast, dienen de netto vermogenswaarde van hun investering in het Fund op 1 januari van elk kalenderjaar te melden op hun belastingaangifte, zonder enige verdere informatie te hoeven verschaffen met betrekking tot inkomen dat het Fund heeft gegenereerd.
Uw inschrijving zal worden verwerkt op de eerste Transactiedatum volgend na ontvangst van uw investeringsbedrag. Uitgifte en inname van participaties vindt wekelijks plaats op woensdag, of de eerste handelsdag daarna als Euronext Amsterdam gesloten is.
SilverCross Global Small-Cap Fund heeft een ‘open-end’ structuur. Participaties worden uitgegeven of ingenomen tegen de netto vermogenswaarde (NAV) per participatie plus of minus een anti-verwateringsheffing van 0.3%. Deze heffing wordt gerekend om transactiekosten als gevolg van in- en outflows in het Fund te dekken. De heffingsopbrengst komt volledig ten goede aan het Fund. Voor meer informatie over de anti-verwateringsheffing, zie het Prospectus.
De Beheerder wijst potentiële investeerders erop dat een investering in het Fund moet worden gezien als een lange termijn belegging. Daarom heeft het Fund, in geval een investeerder haar participaties wenst te verkopen binnen 90 dagen na zijn of haar laatste aankoop, een anti-verwateringsheffing van 3.0% van de netto vermogenswaarde per participatie ten laste van de opbrengst. Deze maatregel is bedoeld om regelmatig handelen in de participaties van het Fund te ontmoedigen.
Het is de Beheerder toegestaan om inschrijvingen of onttrekkingen te limiteren in het belang van bestaande investeerders. Voor meer informatie over situaties waarin dit zou kunnen voorkomen, wordt verwezen naar het Prospectus.